Spanish Beginner: Digital Generation

Below is what you’re expected to know before attempting this Spanish quiz on Digital generation.


Some negative expressions

casi nunca

hardly ever, almost never



nunca jamás

never ever, never again


nor, either, neither


How to change a sentence in the infinitive to the present tense, 1st person of the singular (I)

Simple: if the verb is regular, remove the ending of the infinitive (-AR, -ER, -IR) and add -o.

Pay attention to the occasional irregular verb, for example, the verb hacer and ver.

Here’s some examples.


Verb in the infinitive

Verb in the I form, present tense

descargar música

Descargo música.

gastar batería

Gasto batería.

hacer la compra por Internet

Hago la compra por Internet.

llamar por videollamada

Llamo por videollamada.

sacar fotos

Saco fotos.

subir fotos

Subo fotos.

ver videos

Veo videos.


Ready to attempt the quiz? Click on the link below.


👉 Quiz: generación digital